How to be on your own

At the beginning of the year I set an intention to seek out more supportive environments as I was ready for something new and exciting. I wanted to spend some time in a place that would light me up and energise me.

So... I took myself off to Lisbon where I've been living and working for the last 3 weeks. 

I haven't spent significant time on my own for a while now. Like me, my husband also works from home so we see a lot of each other. And even though we both go on separate trips once in a while, it's felt like a long time to be apart from him and on my own.

I was not expecting the rich and diverse experience it's been though. Life will always throw up the unexpected. It's been a rollercoaster to say the least! 


The first thing I noticed was how many decisions there are to make every day. With the absence of thinking about what my husband was doing, eating, watching or where he was going, I had so much space to listen to my own desires and intuition. Sometimes that was great and at other times it felt quite stressful. What did I actually want? What to do? What to eat? Where to eat?!… There are so many options. So I listened more deeply to my intuition, because deep down we always know.

Despite only knowing two words of Portuguese I've had many connections with people around the city. Sharing my brolly with a women who was getting soaked, navigating a nervous driver through a tight space, accepting help from a shopkeeper when I'd locked myself out, and so many lovely chats with people in restaurants and shops.

It’s easy to believe the world is a harsh place full of untrustworthy people, but the reality couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m grateful for the opportunity to have met so many beautiful, kind, caring, interested and nice people, going about their lives with a smile on their face.

I haven’t lived in a large city since leaving London a few years ago and I’d forgotten how much energy is required to process so much new information coming at me relentlessly. With eyes wide open to the buzz, smells and sounds of the city I’ve become very aware of how important it is for me to get some quiet, recharging time. My daily meditations were so so useful for giving space to this reset. 

I’m really enjoying the tingling excitement, the possibility and the energy that places like Lisbon vibrate with. The rush of being in a new place with time and energy to explore and soak it up has been such a freeing experience and an important reminder to make time for more adventures like this.

Life is short, so what am I waiting for?

What are you waiting for?  

Tomorrow never comes. There is only now.

Pizza for one

Pizza for one.


My 3 tips for mindful living, solo style

Here's what I'll take away from my trip.... 

😌 Be still and quiet so you can hear yourself - and I don't mean your chattering mind, I mean your deep inner wise self. What is it saying to you? 

❤️  Love it all. The good, the bad and the ugly. Life is made up of a vast mixed bag so why not savour each experience as it arrives. Perhaps it's here for a reason? Listen to its wisdom.

🧭  Trust yourself. You are your own compass and anchor.  It's easy to forget amongst all the noise that we are our best cheerleader, friend and guide. 

How do you find being on your own?

What do you love about it?

What do you find difficult?

How would you like to spend some quality time with yourself in 2024? 


If you’d like to explore this and find out how you can use mindfulness in your daily life to feel more connected to yourself, and enjoy your company, then book a complimentary call with Kate to sample 1:1 mindfulness coaching and how it will support you.


Kate Greenslade, PCC coach and qualified mindfulness teacher

Kate Greenslade